Penis Enlargement in Turkey


The range for penis enlargement is between 1.5 adn 4 cm. The variety here depends on the Characteristics of ligaments, in other words on depth, length and width. If it is thicker, then it is better. (Basal penis ultrasound provides partly display of suspensor ligament and allows us to know the possible length range to be added)

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  • Effective Result

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<center>Penis Enlargement </center>


Op Cem Özlük's. He has expertise in many fields such as Urology, Genital Area Aesthetics, Sexual Therapy and Sexology. He has specialized and trained in different countries. Later, he underwent complicated operations in many countries and assisted.

The most important of these cases are such, pediatric urology, adult urology, kidney surgery, male and female genital area aesthetics (penis enlargement, vaginal aesthetic), reproductive tract diseases, sexual problems, has signed many more important cases.

He does not use open methods unless they are needed in his surgeries, but instead he prefers closed methods because it strives for faster recovery of the patient and social life and health in a short time. When you combine all this equipment with talent and care, these beautiful results are achieved. Op. Dr. Cem Özlük’s common point is that his results are natural and personal. The same procedure and treatment for everyone will have undesirable consequences and dissatisfaction.


Welcome to our NEUROLOGY

Our Neurology deparment of Trustlife Hospital serves as the receiving point for the most seriously injured people from across the country and treats patients with brain and spine.


In addition to being a centre of excellence, the Neurology deparment aims to be an asset to national and international communities.


Welcome to our CRUTCHES

It is important to start walking as soon as you can after your surgery. But you will need support for walking while your leg heals. Trustlife may be a good choice after a leg injury or surgery if you only need a little help with balance and stability.


Crutches are also useful when your leg is only a little weak or painful.


Welcome to our CARDIOLOGY

Cardiology department is served dedicately 24/7 and it is the only hospital of Kanada where emergency angioplasty can be carried out round the clock.


Cardiology department is operated by a strong and dedicated team of 3 cardiologists, And they has more then 20 years of expericnce.


Welcome to our PULMONARY

More than 15 years ago, we pioneered the first hospitals in the nation to specialize in pulmonary treatment, so you can feel confident when your loved one is under our care.


Today, our expertise continues to be pulmonary disease management and providing quality treatment based on the latest protocols.


Welcome to our X-RAY

We have the high-quality x-ray machine and our technique is so much experienced. We delivered x-ray report within one hour.


After handover x-ray report we give initial advice of an experienced doctor and suggest related experienced doctor.

Penis Enlargement

Penis, or in other words, phallus means sexual power for male individuals. Even in the artefacts in the history, male individuals are mentioned with their penises. Some sexual disciplines (kama sutra) mentions the importance of size of penis as well.


These surgeries which are becoming more and more common worldwide are applied completely upon request of the person as in nose job (rhinoplasty) or a mammaplasty surgery.

P-Shot Treatment

The first step, called PriapussShot or P-Shot, is a pioneering technique made with Pplatelet Rich Plasma  injected into the penis to freshen, sensitize, and improve its function.


P-Shot can also be used as a hepler to treat Peyronie’s disease, where patches of scar tissue develop along the shaft of the penis, causing penis bending.


Penis Curvature

Penis shape may differ from one person to another. Slight inclination of the penis towards right or left when erected is normal. This is a normal condition as long as it’s not too much inclined. Penis curvature is a common aesthetical problem in terms of sexual intercourse.


It has two different types. It can be both inherent (congenital penile curvature) and can be subsequent (Peyronie’s).

Penile Prosthetic

It’s the last resort for the patients for whom other options weren’t successful or who can’t have the other options, and also it’s the most successful one.


It’s the procedure where implants maintaining erection are placed within the pipes allowing erection in the penis (cavernous objects). Success rate is quite high. (95-99%). Commonly used implants are semi-rigid, silicon type and inflatable and hydrophilic

Fly Tickets

Don't bother searching for plane tickets. We buy your ticket.

Hotel Accommodation

Your hotel room will be reserved for you before boarding your flight.

VIP Transfer

All transfers, including airport transfer, are made by VIP vehicles.

Modern Hospital

Our surgeries are carried out in modern and well-equipped hospitals.

Expert Team

We work for 100% patient satisfaction with our expert surgical team.

3 Different Cities

We are doing surgery in 3 cities in Turkey. Alanya/Antalya, Istanbul, Ankara.

Hi there, <span>I'm Mona</span>

Hi there, I'm Mona

Please send your contact number to get detailed information about penis enlargement surgery.

Users Reviews

But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth denouncing pleasure and praising.

Before After Gallery

Penis Enlargement Operation Process Step

Consectetur adipisicing eiusmod temporunt laboreie magna aliqua enim adite quistae nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip commodo.

<sup>$</sup>59<sub>/ 45 min</sub>
Arrival in Turkey
  • We make your reservation.
  • We are buying your plane ticket.
  • We make reservations at your hotel.
  • We transfer from the airport to the hotel with a VIP vehicle.
<sup>$</sup>199<sub>/ day</sub>
Operation Detail
  • Pre-operation examination is performed.
  • Hospitalization is performed for the operation.
  • Fat is taken from inner thighs or abdomen area and is transfered for enhancement.
  • Ligamentolysis will be done for lengthening.
  • Control is performed 3 days after the operation.
<sup>$</sup>299<sub>/ day</sub>
Gold Pakcage
  • Consectetur elit sed
  • Eiusmod tempor
  • Incididunt ut labore
  • Dolore magna aliqua
  • Ut enim ad minim
  • Veniam quis
  • Anostrud exercitation

Other Aesthetic Operations